OGS Has Resumed In-Person Monthly Meetings!
OGS has resumed in-person monthly general meetings. The meetings will be "hybrid" so we will continue to use Zoom as well. Join us in the way that works best for you each month. Want to see your friends in person? Meet us at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1925 Boulevard Rd SE, Olympia. Bad weather or don't like driving at night? Join us via Zoom. Refer to Community Events / OGS Member Meetings calendar for details.
Upcoming meetings:
- Feb 13 (Z): Melissa Barker, "Digging into Finding Aids: The Roadmap to Any Manuscript Collection"
- Mar 13 (Z): Brian Rhinehart, "Was my William Smith in the Civil War?"
- Apr 10 (Z): Craig R. Scott, "Researching Your War of 1812 Ancestor"
- May 8 (Z): Devon Lee, "From Research to Draft: Rapidly Writing Your Ancestor's Story"
- Jun 12 (TBD): John Anderson, "FamilySearch.org - Working with the Family Search Center and What it has to Offer"
Speaker location: P = in person, Z = Zoom (remote), TBD = to be determined
Digging Into Finding Aids - Feb 13
Melissa Barker will present " Digging into Finding Aids: The Road Map to Any Manuscript Collection" at our February meeting.
Genealogists use all kinds of tools to help them with their genealogy research. One of the best tools to understand and use when working with Manuscript Collections is the Finding Aid. Archivists develop Finding Aids to help genealogists navigate through Manuscript Collections to find their ancestors. This presentation will help genealogists read, follow, and use a Finding Aid to find your ancestors in the records.
Melissa Barker is a Certified Archives Manager and Public Historian. She is affectionally known as The Archive Lady to the genealogy community. She lectures, teaches, and writes about the genealogy research process, researching in archives and records preservation. She writes a popular blog entitled A Genealogist in the Archives. She has been a Professional Genealogist for the past 21 years with expertise in Tennessee records.
A link to the 7:00 pm Zoom meeting (starts at 6:30 pm for social time) will be posted here on the day of the meeting. Non-members are welcome to attend.
OGS 2025 Seminar - Feb 1
"Artificial Intelligence Made Easy: Boosting Your Genealogy Research with Technology".
Blaine Bettinger
The seminar was a great success and was seen on Zoom by a large group of participants. See more details about the seminar.
Recordings of the four seminar sessions are now available to registered participants. The recordings will be available through March 2.
Finding a Professional Genealogist - Jan 9
OGS welcomed local genealogists and past OGS presidents Nancy Neville Cordell and Steven Waltz Morrison to our January meeting to present "Finding a Professional Genealogist".
Those of us searching our own family history love the hunt. But we have all come to points in our research when we are stuck. We can’t seem to find what we are looking for, for a variety of reasons. It is time to hire a professional! But how do you find a reputable professional genealogist? Nancy showed us how to figure out when hiring a professional is in your best interest and how to find a reputable professional genealogist. Steven provided a case study from his recent experience hiring professionals in England to find and transcribe documents from the 1500-1600s.
Nancy has a PhD in Anthropology and is a professional genealogist with her own business, Diggin' Our Past, specializing in DNA analysis and African American research. She is currently the president of the Puget Sound Chapter of Professional Genealogists.
Steven is a past president of the APG Puget Sound Chapter and has a Masters of Public Administration. He has an extensive resume as a genealogical speaker and scholar.
A recording of the Zoom meeting is now available for OGS members. Click on Community Events / Recordings* to view the recording. The recording will be available to OGS Members permanently.
Annual Holiday Party - Dec 7, 2024
 OGS held our annual holiday party on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024 at the Capital Vision Church in Olympia. A good time was had by all, with great treats and lots of conversations.
We'd love to have anyone with an interest in genealogy join us at our monthly meetings, whether online or in person. Non-members welcome! Check our website for details
Beginning Genealogy Workshop - Oct 19, 2024
OGS presented a free Beginning Genealogy workshop on Oct 19 at the Tumwater Library from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. This was our first beginner's class since COVID and we were excited to be able to provide this educational opportunity once again. We plan to offer Beginner Genealolgy classes several times a year, and we thank the Tumwater Library staff for being excellent hosts!
50th Anniversary Party - May 18th, 2024
 The OGS community celebrated 50 years of the Olympia Genealogical Society on May 18, 2024 at the Capital Vision Christian Church in Olympia. One of the highlights was Ann Olson and Alma Greenwood, two of our Founding Members, sharing their memories of the early days of the organization. We had quite a group of past presidents in attendance.
Click here to see a video of Ann and Alma's presentation.
Click here to see the slide show presented at the party.
Welcome to Our Website!
The OGS website is designed to allow our members to engage with each other as they trace their ancestors and discover their family histories. We want to make this site a dynamic experience. Here are just a few ways to engage on this site today:
If you aren’t already an OGS member, please consider joining and engaging with our community. To do so, see Membership in the menu in the left column.
OGS Needs You!
Fellow OGS Members, as we begin our 50th year as a group with the special interest of family history, we are looking to reconnect with the community at large while serving our membership's continued interest in all things genealogy! With this end goal in mind, we are in need of more members to become involved to helping out. Listed below are various opportunities to help. Take a look, see what you can contribute to help grow and keep OGS vital for the next 50 years!
- DIG Virtually - There is interest in having a group to help out members in the community like we have done in the past at the Olympia Library, but to do this virtually. Virtual meeting times may be a couple of times a month, perhaps a week day and a Saturday for a couple of hours. If we were to have 6-10 members volunteer, there could be a rotating schedule. Schedule would depend on how many members volunteer. Training will be provided. Send an email to Info@olygensoc.org if you have an interest in participating in this outreach opportunity.
- Meeting Tech Team - We have a location secured with all of the needed equipment for hybrid general membership meetings, but we need one or preferably two people who can help with the tech setup at the in-person site for each meeting. Set up is pretty simple. You would be bringing the OGS laptop to each meeting and making the connections; much easier than when we met at the courthouse!! Orientation/training will be provided. If you are interested, send an email to webmaster@olygensoc.org.
- Speakers Bureau team - From time to time we receive requests for a member from our organization to come and speak to a group about genealogy and OGS. It would be great to have a few members who would like to speak for 30-45 minutes about genealogy to a neighborhood group, classroom full of kids, or service organization. Opportunities for this maybe once or twice a year depending on how many setup to represent OGS. Great outreach opportunities to grow our organization. Send an email to Info@olygensoc.org if you have an interest!
2024-25 Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
OGS members, consider joining a Special Interest Group if you haven't done so. This is a great venue to learn more and get to know fellow members in a small group setting. SIGs are a benefit of membership so make sure your membership status is updated to access this wonderful benefit. SIG meetings will continue to be held virtually using Google Meet, except for the FTM SIG which will use Zoom, and Genealogy Chat which is in-person. See the SIGs page for a list of our SIGs, coordinators, meeting times, etc.
OGS Surname Database
OGS provides a searchable public database to which an OGS member can add the surnames of their ancestors. At this writing, the database includes 348 entries. See OGS Surname Database for more information.
February 11
Log on to OGS website, click on SIGs in main nav menu, click on DNA for Google Meet link. Can access 10 mins before start ...
February 13
Monthly General Membership Meeting
Program: Melissa Barker, "Digging into Finding Aids: The Roadmap to Any Manuscript Collection". Social time starts at 6:30 pm. Formal meeting begins at 7:00 ...
February 15
Legacy Family Tree SIG
Log on to OGS website, click on SIGs in main nav menu, click on Legacy Family Tree for Google Meet link. Can access 10 mins before ...
February 18
Monthly Board Meeting
February 19
Genealogy Chat SIG
Contact Peggy, GenealogyChatSIG@ olygensoc.org for more information regarding meetings. Address in Membership directory or Genealogy Chat SIG page.
WSGS Calendar
Washington State Genealogical Society calendar
Web Tips