Olympia Genealogical Society

Records / Lookups

OGS does not offer a research service.  The assistance of a professional genealogist can be obtained from a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists - Puget Sound Chapter.  Several OGS members also are members of APG.  Also see OGS Genealogy Chat for OGS members.
There also is a lot of local information available on the Thurston County web site of the USGenWeb Project.   All of our published Thurston County records are available there, either online or through lookup volunteers.
Also see the following local resources:
  • Cemetery Records (Thurston County, WA)
  • Funeral Home Records (Thurston County, WA) (under development)
  • Surname Research (OGS Members)
    An OGS member can add the surnames of their ancestors under the Surnames tab of their profile and these entries automatically will show up in the Surname Research area where visitors to the site can find them and share information they may have. Users of search engines like Google and Bing also will be able to discover these names.
OGS Documents Collection
OGS also has a substantial collection of documents currently in storage pending the availability of an appropriate facility to allow access by researchers. None of these documents are intended for loan or circulation. Information on the contents of this collection can be found in the OlympiaGenSociety catalog in LibraryThing; see https://www.librarything.com/profile/OlympiaGenSociety. For more information, See Library in the main menu.
Changes to Ordering Birth and Death Certificates from WA State Dept. of Health
Important changes were made to the ordering of birth and death certificates effective 1 Jan 2021 as a result of a new vital records law. See WA Dept. of Health FAQ web page for more info.
Washington State Genealogy & Family History group
A group dedicated to Washington State genealogy and family history research is available at https://groups.io/g/Washington-State-Genealogy. Please join if you want help or can offer help, and spread the word to your cousins and colleagues. Join on the website or send a blank email to Washington-State-Genealogy%2Bsubscribe@groups.io
Queries are welcome! Also welcome are notices of upcoming Washington State genealogy society meetings, historical society and museum events, resources and meetings, local library news, and anything else related to Washington state genealogical research and family history.