Donations to OGS

To make a donation to OGS:
  • Click the "Donate" button below to be taken to a PayPal page.
  • Enter the amount of the desired donation.
  • Select the purpose of your donation (Note: Click the down arrow to display the full list of options.)
    • General purpose (unrestricted funds to be used in furtherance of the mission of OGS), OR
    • A memorial for an OGS member who has passed away. (See below for more info on memorials.)
  • Select whether you want to make your donation via your personal PayPal account or a credit or debit card.
  • Then proceed to complete your transaction.
After you complete your transaction, you will be returned to the OGS website and you will receive an email receipt for your donation. A donation to OGS, a 501(c)(3) organization, is tax deductible.
Donations also may be made to OGS by mailing a check to the address provided on the OGS Contact page.
Thank you!

OGS Memorials

The OGS Board has authorized the establishment of memorial funds for deceased OGS members. Visitors to this website are invited to donate to these memorial funds. After some yet-to-be-determined period for each individual, the Board will make case-by-case decisions as to the nature of the memorial. In the past, such funds have been used to purchase genealogy-related books which were donated to the local library in the name of the person being memorialized.
At this time we have open memorial funds for the following OGS members who have passed away since 2018: